Saturday morning weigh-in - 172.8 lbs!

Even though I'm only down 0.2 lbs. from last Saturday (in other words, statistically nothing), I'm still pretty thrilled because the last week was a terrible one in terms of eating.

All of it my own fault, of course. Last weekend's UFC PPV party involved way to many chicken wings. And there was lots of left over cake and cookies this week and you just can't let that go to waste. Plus, getting up at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday to take my older daughter to the airport (and eating breakfast at 4 a.m.) resulted in me hitting the cafeteria at work at 8 a.m. for a couple of delicious but fatty muffins.

So, yeah, not the best week for keeping my eating under control, so I'll take a virtual wash on the scale. Plus, the 172 lbs. mark was the lowest I weighed during my last big run at losing weight about a decade ago, so I'm pretty close to breaking that on my way to 170 lbs. and below.


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