Cold brew coffee tips
As noted in this post , I've started making my own cold brew coffee, finding it to be a delicious and pleasant alternative to the normal hot brew that I've been drinking for years and years and years and years... And while I'm hardly any kind of expert on this stuff, the few batches that I've made have provided the following pointers: You really don't need any fancy equipment While there are a lot of companies out there that will happily sell you cold-brew coffee kits , I make mine in a Tupperware cereal container. Really. There's a picture of it above. Once it does the 12-hour soak (more on that below), I first strain it into another container using a metal colander to get out the big pieces of ground coffee, and then re-strain it using a standard wire-mesh coffee filter, as illustrated below. I store it the final product in a big Tupperware juice container in my fridge. I want to try straining the mixture with cheesecloth at some point, to see if that w...