Did no one at CBS or Elite XC have a run-time sheet for the event? It was scheduled for a two hour block. It went 2 hours and 50 minutes. That's a BIG overtime run. There were, what, five fights on the show? One was a title fight - so it had the potential to go 25 minutes, plus at least 10 minutes ancillary time for interviews, intros, round breaks, etc. Let's be extra generous and say 40 minutes for the title fight in total. There were 3 other matches that had the potential to go 15 minutes each. That's another 45 minutes, plus a minimum of 15 minutes of ancillary time. Already, we're up to ONE HOUR AND FORTY MINUTES OF A TWO HOUR SHOW! And THEN there's the women's fight: a maximum of 9 minutes, plus minimum 5 minutes ancillary time for ring intros, etc., so that's FOURTEEN MINUTES. In other words, if every fight went the distance and Elite XC did NO backstage interviews, NO introduction of new fans to MMA, no highlight packages, personality profiles or ANY...