
Showing posts from November, 2009

My Tweet Cloud

This seems to be the Sunday afternoon rage. I'd say that's pretty accurate.

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Dana White ready to call M-1 Global's bluff

A follow on this post , courtesy, MMA Junkie : Earlier this month, M-1 Global exec Jerry Millen made waves by claiming Fedor Emelianenko would be willing to fight Brock Lesnar for free . UFC president Dana White recently told Radio ( that he's prepared to call Millen's bluff . "They'll do the fight for free?" White asked. "That's [expletive] weird because I offered them millions of dollars to take the fight and he didn't take it. Now [Emelianenko] wants to fight for free? When and where? I'd love him to fight for free. "I'll make that [expletive] fight right now for free. Let's do it."

The Running Man

I ran 10K last Saturday. I ran 10K today. Not bad, considering the only other time I ever ran 10K, I ended up in physiotherapy for four weeks getting my left knee fixed up. The difference now is that I've cut my speed back to focus on distance, not time. I ran my first 10K in 74 minutes. Last week took me about 95 minutes. Today, I did it in 89 minutes. And my knee feels fine. In fact, last week, I ran 10K on Saturday, and followed it up with a 4-mile run on Sunday and 3 miles on Monday. (Yeah, I go back and forth on my units of measurement.) I'm working my way up to running 15K in one shot.

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody & Ode to Joy

Yes, yes. I'm the last person in the world to link this video. BUT IT'S AWESOME! And Ode To Joy is really good, too!

UFC to come to Edmonton? Maybe? Possibly?

In the new issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter , Dave Meltzer writes: June has a tentative date set for Vancouver, although they (UFC) have also got a hold on the Rexall Place in Edmonton. Edmonton would be the back-up because right now MMA is not sanctioned in Vancouver, although UFC expects that to change in time for the show.

Tuesday night random thoughts

I'm still here. Busy week. Put up lots of content last week, and going lighter this week. However, in the spirit of Twitter, here's some short-burst random thoughts: Raw last night was one of the better episodes I've seen this year. Nice to see the WWE finally pulling the trigger on some new guys, at least for this week ... I've determined that I can sing harmony better in the key of D than C. I have no idea why that is ... The UFC Ultimate 100 Greatest Fights came out a couple of weeks ago. I ordered it from, and on shipping day, was sent an email it was delayed by several weeks. I've since ordered it from When it comes in and after I've watched it, I'll post some thoughts... I ran 4 miles on Saturday, 6 miles on Sunday and 3 miles yesterday. Pretty happy about that. ... Ummm, that's it. I'm really tired.

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

UFC 106 results

Full results of last night's UFC show (which I didn't see, as I was at Starfield, see post below ) are here . Glad to see Forrest get the win over Tito.

Starfield concert review

Starfield rolled into town last night for their Reign In Us Tour and it was everything I expected. They started with a standard rock concert kind of set, then switched to an acoustic worship set, and after an intermission finished with what they called their rocking party-time set. I didn't have a stop watch on Starfield, but they must have played for close to 90 minutes in total, which was impressive. They did virtually all the songs I wanted them to play, including their new one, The Saving One, which they typically do in concert back-to-back with Mighty To Save. It was great to hear it live. My only complaint - I SAID, MY ONLY COMPLAINT - is that the concert was loud. REALLY LOUD! Like, the loudest concert I've attended in some time. OK, I was sitting in the front row, but I was almost that close for the Downhere show last month (third row), and it wasn't anywhere near as loud. I'd kind of like Starfield to explain what part of giving glory to God at a worshi...

Project Reincarnation: Brock Lesnar

OK, this man isn't retiring anytime soon, considering this was put out by his camp.

Starfield - Holy Is Our God

Starfield week draws to a close with this video from Winnipeg last year, which is actually one of the best quality Starfield vids on YouTube. Don't know why I've never seen it before. Concert tomorrow night. I don't think I'm going to take my camera (I'd rather enjoy the show than worry about shooting it) but I'll post a review on Sunday.

Survivor Samoa - Episode 10

Evil Russell continues to bring the awesome by finding his third hidden immunity idol - only this time, he actually had a clue. But he also was the only one who had a clue, if you get the drift. And Laura is finally dispatched from the game.

Where to watch UFC 106 in Edmonton and Calgary

Time for my semi-regular post on where to find a bar to watch UFC 106 in Edmonton, Calgary and across Alberta.

The Ultimate Fighter - Episode 10

A fun show that seemed to foreshadow all the teasing of Kimbo's return will be for naught, as Kimbo goes down with a knee injury. Plus, Rampage playing volleyball is BUYS, and a great KO to end the evening. Thumbs up.

Starfield - Reign In Us

It's really hard to find a good clip of this on YouTube that's complete. This one is fairly representative. Nonetheless, a great song.

UFC looking at interim title match

It's being reported today that UFC President Dana White is looking at a Shane Carwin vs. Cain Velasquez bout for February for an interim UFC heavyweight title, to keep the title in play while Brock Lensar recovers from mono and his recent intestinal surgery. Seems reasonable to me.

Starfield - Filled With Your Glory

Halfway through Starfield Week, counting down to Saturday's concert in Edmonton....

Starfield - Son of God

Starfield Week continues leading up to their concert Saturday night in Edmonton.

UFC: Lesnar recovering from intestinal infection UFC: Lesnar recovering from intestinal infection By STAFF and NEWS SERVICES Last update: November 16, 2009 - 9:27 PM Officials with the UFC will disclose more information about current heavyweight champion and former Minnesota wrestler Brock Lesnar's condition today, amid reports that the former Gopher is seriously ill. "We will definitely know something on Brock by [today]," UFC spokesman Joe Fernandez said via e-mail Monday. UFC president Dana White said Monday that Lesnar is recovering from a bacterial infection in his intestinal tract.

Third Day - When Love Comes To Town

OK, this is awesome.

Starfield - Saving One/Mighty To Save

Kicking off the unofficial Starfield Week here at The Newsroom, I give you another version of Starfield's new song, Saving One, plus Mighty To Save. Starfield plays in Edmonton this weekend, and my lovely wife and I are going! EDIT: If you arrived here through a Google search looking for information about The Saving One album, see my update here.

Third Day - Call My Name (Acoustic)

I'm totally hit and miss on Third Day as a band. But this is one of their songs that I really like, and the acoustic version is fantastic!

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Gigantic UFC news! Brock Lesnar may never fight again

Holy crap. Everything is all happening at once. Courtesy Figure Four Online . It's behind the member's only firewall, but here's the quick and dirty: Brock Lesnar is extremely sick with mono and something else unknown and may never fight again. Big Nog has a bad staph infection and is out of UFC 108.  Shane McMahon had a meeting with UFC recently. More: The big news from the UFC Press Conference had nothing to do with tonight’s fights. To a stunned press pack, Dana White announced that Brock Lesnar is not only struggling to recover from mono but that after a recent trip to Canada he has developed further health problems and is currently back in hospital. He refused to give more details about the nature of these health problems except that they were serious. In response to a direct question about what this meant for the future of the heavyweight championship Dana White raised the possibility of an interim championship or even stripping Lesnar of the title. He said that ...

UFC 105 liveblogging

I'm liveblogging UFC 105. Liveblogging will continue after the jump. DO NOT CONTINUE UNLESS YOU WANT THE RESULTS FOR THE SHOW. SPOILERS AHEAD! The show airs tonight on tape delay on Spike TV.

Oli Lemieux training trampoline wall Dralion Cirque du Soleil



According to Sportsnet's online schedule , they are showing UFC 105 live tomorrow from England ... but only in Ontario and eastern Canada. Sportsnet West and Pacific gets ... wait for it... Darts. Please tell me this is a horrible mistake and that I'll be able to watch UFC live tomorrow. Quick edit: I've twittered and emailed SportsNet about this. Second edit: This was forwarded to me by someone else who emailed Sportsnet about the same issue: Thanks for your recent email. As we have four national channels  available to all cable and satellite providers in Canada, we have  decided to air the event live on only two of them. As most viewers have  all four channels, we are giving them different options on each. Having  said that, we will be re-airing UFC 105 across all Sportsnet channels that night at 8 pm local. Jim LaChapelle Audience Relations I'd like to see Sportsnet's stats that "most viewers have all four channels." I'm sure sure...

It's Friday the 13th. Know what that means?

It means tomorrow is Saturday.

Survivor Samoa - Episode 9

Evil Russell: Best. Survivor. Player. Ever. EVER!

The Ultimate Fighter - Episode 9

I guess UFC is going to tease for the rest of the season that Kimbo is coming back to fight. Hope no one believes that's actually going to happen. Otherwise, a fairly blah episode. Roy won and advances. Chickens were placed in Rashad's car and he thought it was funny. Meh.

The Fight for the Ninth Planet

The Fight for the Ninth Planet | Wired Science | If there’s still someone out there who thinks science and politics never mix, the story behind the Battle of Prague should change your mind. Some have cast the debate that took place in the Czech capital during the summer of 2006 as a battle against American scientists who wanted to keep the only planet discovered by an American on an unreasonably high pedestal. On the other side of the argument, there are those who suspect that the rest of the world wanted to see Pluto demoted to punish America for its unpopular foreign policy.

Lest We Forget


M-1 exec Jerry Millen: Fedor Emelianenko will fight Brock Lesnar for free

M-1 exec Jerry Millen: Fedor Emelianenko will fight Brock Lesnar for free | First, it was Randy Couture. Now, it's Brock Lesnar. Each time former PRIDE heavyweight champion Fedor Emelianenko (31-1) adds another win to his already impressive career total, fans from across the world call for the Russian to face the UFC's reigning king. Emelianenko toppled the previously undefeated Brett Rogers at Saturday night's Strikeforce and M-1 Global co-promotion, "Fedor vs. Rogers," and those requests have already begun again. While the UFC's unwillingness to co-promote has proved an insurmountable roadblock in the past, M-1 Global USA vice president Jerry Millen has a simple solution: do it for free.

Mike's Mini Music Review - Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane

I'm still on my first listen through Hello Hurricane (courtesy a stream at New Release Tuesday ) and I'm having the exact same reaction to this album as I did when I first listened to the band's Nothing Is Sound CD: This is the record that U2 should have made. And didn't. It'll take me a few times through the album to really get a feel for Hello Hurricane , but I'm comparing it favourably to U2. So it's good.

Housekeeping II

After watching the disparity between my StatCounter hits and SiteMeter hits grow to a 50% difference on any given day, I ditched SiteMeter entirely the other day, and the result was an almost instant 25% growth in my StatCounter hits. I have no explanation for this phenomenon other than it seems the SiteMeter code was slowing down the loading of my website and that may have impacted the way StatCounter was measuring hits. Or something. I dunno. I also added the code to my template, allowing easier sharing of the brilliant ( recycled, shurely - ed. ) content of this blog to other social networking sites.

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Fedor vs. Rogers on CBS = Meh

Apparently, I'm in the minority, but I was hardly blown away by last night's Fedor vs. Rogers MMA card on CBS. I thought it was amateur hour in many ways, what with Frank Shamrock utterly refusing to answer Mauro's repeated requests on scoring a round, making both men look like complete goofs, the CBS crew cutting to an interview with Fedor that became an interview with a Russian through a translator telling us why we weren't getting an interview with Fedor, and a five-round lay-and-pray fight between Jason Miller and Jake Shields that had approximately 6 seconds of drama when Shields nearly got choked out but was literally saved by the bell at the end of the round. Plus, there's no better way to look minor league than to put Big John McCarthy on the show as a referee, and he gets the biggest cheers of the night up to that point. Yeah, when the referee is a bigger star than every fighter who has appeared on the show thus far, you're in trouble. Not to mentio...

MMA Night in Canada. Cuz who needs hockey?

Big night of mixed martial arts on TV tonight. CBS is showing Fedor vs. Rogers, which will be interesting because it's Fedor's big North American free TV debut for Strikeforce after spurning UFC's efforts to sign him. He's fighting Brett Rogers, who only the hardest of hardcore MMA fans have ever heard of before. Personally, I'm rooting for the Rogers upset, just to watch Dana White cackle with glee, and to watch the "Fedor is the No. 1 heavyweight in the world" fanboys have their heads explode. There are some other matches on the CBS card, but darned if I know what they are. In terms of promotion, this really is a one-match show. Meanwhile, UFC is counter-programming with a 2-hour special showing the main events of a bunch of recent UFC PPVs, including Randy Couture vs 'Minotauro' Nogueira. This is going on my DVR. I may liveblog the Strikeforce show if I'm feeling ambitious. Strikeforce needs a home-run tonight, or else they could be the...


I discovered today that Twitter's updated their blog badge, so I grabbed the new code for that. And I decided to tweak the blog colors a bit to even them out. I like it. Not as soothing as taupe , but what can you do?

Survivor Samoa - Episode 8

Well, that was a tremendously fantastic episode of Survivor - one of those shows where I had no idea who really was going home, what with 4 different immunity idols in play at Tribal Council. Eric came out on the short end of the stick. Good riddance. Meanwhile, next week.... no! Don't get rid of Evil Russell!

The Ultimate Fighter - Episode 8

Lovable Marcus finally gets a win for Rampage's team, preventing the sweep. Amazing how Rampage's team can win one fight and suddenly Jackson's entire attitude changes. Plus, you gotta love a guy who apologizes to a door.

Brock Lesnar out of UFC 108

Getting word tonight that Brock Lesnar, whose UFC heavyweight title defence against Shane Carwin later this month at UFC 106 was already postponed due to lingering illness, is now off the rescheduled date of January 2. It's now been confirmed that Lesnar has mono. I'm thinking the UFC is going to have no choice but to set up an interim heavyweight title, as it could be summer before Lesnar is back training.

The Futurama DVD movies: Disappointing

I was a casual fan of Futurama when it was on the air but I completely fell in love with the show on DVD a few years ago. And I was quite excited when I heard that Futurama would return to production as a series of direct-to-DVD movies. I grabbed the first one, Bender's Big Score , as soon as it came out. It was OK. Not great. Not terrible. Just OK. I made the decision at that point to not buy any more of the DVDs until I could find them in the bargain bin. As it turned out, they all ended up airing on TV. Good thing, too, because Futurama's big return peaked with the first DVD movie at merely "OK". After that, it was entirely downhill. I recall that I did not laugh once during The Beast With A Billion Backs , and that Bender's Big Game had just one funny scene in the entire show. Otherwise, completely forgettable and horribly disappointing. The final of the four direct-to-DVD movies, Into the Wild Green Yonder , aired on Global TV this past Sunday. One wo...

Nick Bockwinkel vs. Ric Flair

The only match between the two (as far as I recall) and it was for Flair's NWA title. I was live and in person at this match at the Winnipeg Arena.

"UFC's Ultimate 100: Greatest Fights" set for 8-disc DVD release on Nov. 10

"UFC's Ultimate 100: Greatest Fights" set for 8-disc DVD release on Nov. 10 : " The 'UFC's Ultimate 100: Greatest Fights,' a collection of the MMA promotion's 100 greatest fights as decided on by a fan vote, will soon be available on DVD. And unlike the five-part Spike TV series, which showed just clips of the 100 contests, the new DVD collection will offer all 100 fights in their entirety. Anchor Bay Entertainment, the current distributor of UFC DVD's, today announced that the eight-DVD set will be available on Nov. 10 for a suggested retail price of $99.97.   EDIT: My review of the UFC's 100 Greatest Fights DVD set starts here .

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures