Starfield rolled into town last night for their Reign In Us Tour and it was everything I expected. They started with a standard rock concert kind of set, then switched to an acoustic worship set, and after an intermission finished with what they called their rocking party-time set. I didn't have a stop watch on Starfield, but they must have played for close to 90 minutes in total, which was impressive. They did virtually all the songs I wanted them to play, including their new one, The Saving One, which they typically do in concert back-to-back with Mighty To Save. It was great to hear it live. My only complaint - I SAID, MY ONLY COMPLAINT - is that the concert was loud. REALLY LOUD! Like, the loudest concert I've attended in some time. OK, I was sitting in the front row, but I was almost that close for the Downhere show last month (third row), and it wasn't anywhere near as loud. I'd kind of like Starfield to explain what part of giving glory to God at a worshi...