
Showing posts from May, 2011

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures , and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

Where to watch UFC 130 in Edmonton and Calgary

There's a UFC PPV tonight and heaven knows why you'd buy it because it's a really weak card (due to the main event light weight title match getting pulled due to injury). Nonetheless, should you want to find a bar to watch it here is the link .

"HootDeck" would be the perfect social media app

I've said a few times on this blog and on Twitter that the perfect social media dashboard app would be a combination of HootSuite and TweetDeck (ideally, the ChromeDeck version). I'll expand on that and explain what I mean, and then some creative programmer can write "HootDeck" for me: HootSuite is great because it's a web-based app - there's nothing to install and it's portable in the sense that you can log into your account from any computer anywhere and your customized dashboard seamlessly flows into your browser. And it has a really well done iPhone app as well. The built-in URL shortener and basic built-in statistics are a nice value-added touch that should serve the needs of most users. If not, HootSuite sells premium subscriptions with added features. HootSuite also supports scheduled updates - the ability to type in an update for Twitter, Facebook or other social network and have it posted at a pre-set time in the future. I love this ...

TweetDeck acquired by Twitter. World doesn't end!

The big tech news today is that TweetDeck has been purchased by Twitter . I'm fine with it. Sure, I'm a little concerned that Twitter may ruin TweetDeck by, say, dropping support for Facebook and other social networks. But, hey, it's a Twitter app. I can and do use HootSuite (as well as TweetDeck ), so unless Twitter goes on some massive buying spree to eliminate all competition, I still have alternatives if Twitter decides to get stupid with TweetDeck. Besides, TweetDeck is doing some really innovative things these days, and Twitter proper could use some innovation. So I remain hopeful.

Downhere's "On the Altar of Love" available for pre-order!

My favorite band in the whole wide world, Downhere's new project, "On the Altar of Love" is now available for pre-order on their website. If you buy it direct from them, you get two immediate digital downloads. The band has also put up snippets of all the songs and the new album sounds amazing! The only downside is that it's not out until August 23, which means by the time it's released, summer is almost over!

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures , and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

Surivor Redemption Island finale!

It's the finale of Survivor: Redemption Island. Can Rob take it all the way to the end and win a million dollars for "Ambuh"? Will Matt return from Redemption Island and win the whole game despite never really playing the game and making Survivor Purists curse the name of Mark Burnett? Will Phillip reveal himself to be a normal human being who actually manages a Radio Shack and the closest he's been to being a federal agent was seeing Hunt for Red October? All these questions and more will be answered over the next three hours. That, and lots of downtime remembering castaways who may or may not have actually played the game. (I swear some years they throw random strangers into the "fallen castaways" montage just to mess with our heads.) The final duel had the winner rejoining the game and the three losers join the jury. Grant was the first one out. Matt was the second one out, ending his run as the Redemption Island king. Mike dropped third, and Andr...

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures , and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

Survivor Redemption Island Episode 13 Recap

So this is the penultimate episode of this incarnation of Survivor, with the finale on Sunday. So they'd better start whittling the, what, NINE people still in the game in one way or another down to a more manageable number. Matt and Andrea had a tiff at Redemption Island. It was like Grade 6. The duel saw Mike, Matt and Andrea stay alive. Ralph was eliminated and heads to the jury. The editing was setting up for an Ashley immunity win to thwart Rob's plans to vote her out. And sure enough, Ashley won and Rob had to figure out another plan. He decided to vote out Grant and, of course, not tell Grant. Rob then wondered if he should go back on his word and vote out Natalie in order to break up her and Ashley, despite his repeated promised to Nat that he'd take her to the end. But in the end, Rob blindsided Grant and he was dispatched to Redemption Island. Sunday: A 3-hour finale that has 4 seconds of actual news.

Album Review: Building 429 - Listen to the Sound

Head over to New Release Tuesday to listen to a free preview of what may end up being the best Christian rock/worship album of the year: Building 429's Listen to the Sound. I cannot argue at all with the review the website gives it, particularly the observation that the first four songs are the strongest album opening in a long, long time. The album was officially released today but the free preview is available all this week. (And there's some song's available on the band's website as well.) Just a great album! And my new favorite song:

The Amazing Race Unfinished Business Season Finale!

Let's face it: no one wants a blow by blow of the last 2 hours. You just want to know, "Who won the Amazing Race?" The winners were: Kisha and Jen. Now, that said, the Brazilian waxing was the best task ever. Unless you're the hairy Zev and Justin. And then it's ridiculously hysterical and painful at the same time. Zev and Justin's elimination at the end of the first hour was telegraphed earlier in the show when they were the only team not interviews in one of those cutaway segments on the beach. That rather eliminated the drama of the first hour. In the second hour, the teams were in Miami. Gary and Mallory were hit with the curse of the bad cab driver that left them behind other teams. They never really caught up. Mermaids. Nuff said.

Sunday afternoon humor

see more Lolcats and funny pictures , and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

Survivor Redemption Island Episode 12 Recap

The players all got to see videos from their loved ones, which was a setup for the winner of the 4 person duel to win time with their loved one. And the top 3 stay in the game while the 4th goes home. Mike won the duel and got the family visit. Matt and Ralph stayed alive. Steve got sent to the jury. Mike had the choice of taking the family visit, or letting the other 2 on Redemption Island get it, or let the remaining in the game take it. Mike gave it up to the six remaining players and quoted the Bible in doing so. Rob won a brutal immunity challenge. Andrea got blindsided and headed to Redemption Island. Next week: The final five scramble.

The Amazing Race Unfinished Business Episode 10 Recap

Teams flew in helicopters up the Matterhorn to do either a search task or a rescue task. A lot of the teams complained about how cold it was. Yeah, come live in Canada for a while. Zev and Justin struggled to dig out their dummy from the snow and fell behind the other teams. The teams then went to a chocolate factory to make a chocolate figurine. Kent couldn't tell the difference between an oven and a freezer and was generally annoying. The Globetrotters got into it with the Goths, accusing Vyxsin of taking one of their molds. She cried. Teams had to make their way on foot to the pit stop. Kent and Vyxsin went looking for a taxi and got a ride to the pit stop. The Globetrotters came in first. Kisha and Jen were second. K&V were third but got a 30 minute penalty. Gary and Mallory were team three. Kent, of course, blamed Vyxsin for misreading the clue. Zev and Justin came in fourth. Kent and Vyxsin were last and bickered the entire time and them said they were best friends...

Sunday afternoon humor!

see more Lolcats and funny pictures , and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!