The Amazing Race 21 Episode 1 Spoiler Review
Season 21 was previewed on CBS all week with an interesting tease of a $2 million cash prize. Ah, but it's a bit of a bait and switch. The $2 million will be awarded only if the team that wins tonight's first leg goes on to win the entire race. So, basically, only 1 team is eligible to win, and the moment they're eliminated, it's just another season of the Amazing Race. And, hey, it's another season of the Amazing Race! Er, it will be another season of Amazing Race after football ends ... and 60 Minutes ... and, hey, does this show EVER start on time? So the teams are: the Twins, the Texans, a guy from MegaDeath and his lawyer brother; Goat Farmers; the Non-Committal Dating Couple, of which she's a double-amputee; Super Cute Blonde Athletes; Older Engaged Couple and he's a lumberjack (and that's OK), Substitute Teachers (who are Amazing Race superfans and applied 7 times); Dating Divorced Couple, Chippendale Dancers (Jaymes & James ... no, really), a...