Google Chromecast: second impressions
Some random thoughts about the Chromecast after a week with it: 1) Check everything that's in the box. For those of you who don't follow me on Google+, I was having real issues this past weekend getting the Chromecast to work on the TV in the basement. After spending two days troubleshooting the problem, it turned out that I needed to use the HDMI extender (see picture) to get the Chromecast dongle to sit in my HDMI port. The extender... that was still unopened in the box... because I didn't even bother to look at it. The TV in the living room didn't have this issue, fortunately, or I probably would have given up and returned the thing to the store. The fact it did work out of the box ( more or less ) was a big plus. 2) While I really like my Chromecast, I still can't work up the rationale to get a second one for the finicky basement TV. Up until buying the Chromecast, everything I've been streaming to my TV has gone through my iPad Mini hooked ...