The Amazing Race 22 Episode 7 Spoiler Review

Still in Botswana, teams drive themselves to a village. The Country Singers get the "deep personal" moment at the beginning of the show, which is the usual CBS trick to tell viewers that they're going home at the end of tonight's show. The Hockey Brothers, in first, struggle without having anyone to follow. Seriously. And then the Country Singers get a speeding ticket doing 95 kmh in a 60 zone. They were fined 820 pula (which Google converts to $99.38 US). The clue box had the Fast Forward and the Hockey Brothers went for it. The task was waterskiing for a mile in a crocodile-infested body of water. They accomplished the task without getting eaten. The Roadblock was using a canoe to transport two goats. Meanwhile, the Country Singers went to pay their speeding ticket only to discover that local police forces in foreign countries don't take American currency. So they gave $100 to a total stranger and asked him to change the money because the cops wouldn't...