The Amazing Race 22 Episode 5 Spoiler Review

Teams are off to Hanoi, Vietnam to find a theatre. Dave and Connor have been told that the ruptured Achilles Tendon needs to be repaired in seven days, so they figure that this is going to be their last leg.

Of course, the theatre is only open until 6 p.m., and the first three teams arrived at 7:30 p.m., so the great equalizer rears it ugly head again as all the teams end up at the theatre before it opens. Dave and Connor weren't with the rest of the teams. There was great mockery of Jessica and John's elimination holding the Express Pass.

Dave and Connor went straight to the Pit Stop, where they pulled themselves from the game due to the injury. I'm placing pretty good odds that this now becomes a non-elimination leg for the rest of the teams.

As they waited for the theatre to open, the Roller Derby Moms and YouTubers worried they were being targetted for the U-Turn.

The Roadblock was required teams to watch a theatrical performance to get a verbal clue that was matched on a political poster. It was harder than it looked. Pam was the first to complete the task, and was off to watch a bamboo dance to get her next clue.

From there, the Detour was a choice between playing a giant Chinese chess game with human pieces, or making a bowl of Vietnamese soup. Pam and Winnie got through the chess quickly and were off to the B-52 memorial. Team Mullet did the soup but forgot to get their chickens.

Pam and Winnie hit the double U-Turn, and it was anonymous. Pam and Winnie U-turned the YouTubers. From there, it was straight to the Pit Stop.

The YouTubers were second to the B-52 memorial, and were sad when they found they were U-turned. So they U-turned Team Mullet, who were struggling to find the market to make soup. Almost as badly as the country singers were doing at trying to place human chess pieces on a board.

Pam and Winnie were Team 1. They won a ski trip to Whistler. The newlyweds were team 2. Roller Derby Girls were 3. Hockey Brothers were 4.

Chuck realized he was missing his chickens. The Country Singers were team 5. Team Mullet finally realized they'd been U-turned, and were off to do chess. YouTubers were team 6. The Mullets were the last team to arrive, and as I expected, they were not eliminated because of Dave and Connor's withdrawal.

Next week: My DVR cut out. I really need to fix that.


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