RunKeeper August stats - 100 km

As I noted in my last entry for July, my August RunKeeper stats sucked in comparison to, well, pretty much any other month since I've been measuring. A mere 100 km (and change) for the month of walking and cycling.

I have a good excuse, however: On Aug. 9, while riding to work, I lost control of my bike on a path in the river valley after hitting some mud doing a right turn and faceplanted into the ground, breaking 2 teeth (one of which couldn't be saved and was extracted that day, the other of which got a root canal this morning), splitting open my chin for five stitches, spraining my left arm and lots of road rash on my right leg. Yeah. Not fun. I don't recommend it.

So that has slowed me down a bit. I did get some outdoor cycling in during August, but the strain on my left arm made it difficult to go very far, so my bike is retired for this year and I'm cycling on a bike at the gym until next spring.


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