The killer feature missing from Google Chrome: built-in social sharing

When it comes to technology, I'm largely of the "whatever works best for me" school of thought, and anyone who follows my random tech thoughts around here knows that I'm loyal to apps and computer programs (no matter how popular or obscure they are) only until something better comes along. (Heck, I used OS/2 Warp at one point in my life,)

Although I have an iPhone, I use the GMail iOS app as my primary email app on my device ... not necessarily because GMail is better than the built-in Apple Mail app, but because it works best for me, given how I manage my email across all my devices and computers.

Similarly, I was a long-time Firefox user before moving to Google Chrome because Chrome just ended up being better for what I wanted out of a browser. 

So, naturally, when Chrome came out with an iOS app, I gave it a try. One of the features that I absolutely love in Chrome iOS is its built-in sharing menu:

Hit the menu, hit "Sharing..." and you can instantly share a link to Google+, email, Facebook or Twitter. This makes social sharing of web links effortless on an iPhone or iPad.

Of course, and as a large aside, it turns out that with iOS 6, Apple has now trumped that sharing feature in mobile Safari.

But my main point is that on the iPhone and iPad, sharing is now built right into the browser. Amazingly, this feature is not duplicated on the Chrome desktop browser (at least, not on the PC browser).

How about it, Google? Why not build-in social sharing into your desktop browser so that we can all ditch the third-party AddThis/ShareThis style extensions that seem to be full of bugs and never quite work the way  we want? 


Dinsan said…
They are adding webintents to Chrome. Soon you will see Android like sharing system on Chrome
Unknown said…
That's good news. Thanks!

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