According to Sportsnet's online schedule, they are showing UFC 105 live tomorrow from England ... but only in Ontario and eastern Canada. Sportsnet West and Pacific gets ... wait for it...


Please tell me this is a horrible mistake and that I'll be able to watch UFC live tomorrow.

Quick edit: I've twittered and emailed SportsNet about this.

Second edit: This was forwarded to me by someone else who emailed Sportsnet about the same issue:
Thanks for your recent email. As we have four national channels  available to all cable and satellite providers in Canada, we have  decided to air the event live on only two of them. As most viewers have  all four channels, we are giving them different options on each. Having  said that, we will be re-airing UFC 105 across all Sportsnet channels
that night at 8 pm local.

Jim LaChapelle
Audience Relations

I'd like to see Sportsnet's stats that "most viewers have all four channels." I'm sure sure "most viewers" have access to all four channels, but the only Sportsnet channel I get is West. I don't pay for any others.

What a ridiculous decision. I'm hugely disappointed in Sportsnet.


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