
We finally took off from San Fran last night at 10 pm (California time, 11 pm Alberta time) meaning our connecting flight was delayed nearly twice as long as our original flight and we spent more time on Tuesday waiting for planes than actually on them. Amazing.

About 3 minutes after I posted the Travel Tuesday blog, United hauled out a huge whack of snacks for everyone: cookies, pretzels, juice, water and pop. We took advantage and stocked up on water and cookies. That was nice of them and made the crowd a little less unruly (so they were more ruly, I suppose).

Going onto the plane there was some gallows humor from passengers about how we were going to fly for 5 hours on a plane that mere minutes before had an engine so wonky that they delayed our flight by almost 6 hours. Indeed, after we had boarded, I overheard a young child behind me praying - quietly - that God would send his angels to protect us as we flew. Amen to that.

We arrived in Kona at about 12:30 this morning local time (4:30 am Alberta time on Wednesday). "Tired" doesn't even to begin to describe the situation, as by that point we'd been up for about 22 hours. (As I write this on the plane coming into Kona, my teeth feel like they're growing fuzz.)

We finally arrived at the hotel at 1:30 local time - or about the time I usually get up in the morning when converted to Edmonton time.

We woke up in Hawaii: a cruise ship outside our door, palm trees, fresh pineapple juice and papayas for breakfast.

And this little guy tried to sell me car insurance.


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