Orlando vacation - day 1

It's travel day, which always seems to have its share of fun. The Edmonton airport was way busier than usual at 5 a.m. We were told by a security/customs official that they arrived for work to discover 3 extra flights had been booked for early departure which meant a crush of people for which they were not prepared. But we got through the long lines without issue and made it on the plane with plenty of time to spare - only to sit on the tarmac for 35 minutes. So our recent record of delayed flights continued.

Clouds. Or snow. The flight to Houston was uneventful save 5 minutes of nasty turbulence that shut down the beverage service (after we'd gotten our coffee, thank goodness) and another plane passing us going the other way. Which was cool to look at for the 8 seconds it lasted. And despite the fact I'm reading a book about physics (really!) I couldn't tell if it was a big plane far away or a little plane close up.

Houston was nice - from the air. Lots more trees than I assumed there'd be. We made a quick dash to our gate, grabbing a sandwich along the way, and boarded our next plane.

Entirely true story: When we stopped to buy the sandwich, the girl behind the counter said my wife "looked familiar ... like an actress on the stories."

When we arrived in Orlando we manage to get lost in the airport finding the rental car place. But other than that, we made it to the resort, bought groceries and got supper - not necessarily in that order.

So, all in all, the day was fine. Tomorrow, the fun starts!


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