Survivor - Heroes vs. Villains Episode 3

The Heroes won their first immunity challenge and Randy was dispatched from the Villains tribe. A pretty lackluster episode "highlighted" by Russell hiding his team's machete. Yeah.

Next week: Coach freaks out. And immunity idols!


Anonymous said…
This was the first link on google when I searched for a review of tonight's episode.

Having watched every episode of Survivor thus far (not that I'm proud of it), this episode stood out to me, for numerous reasons, as the most entertaining in the history of the show. So, I was curious if others felt the same way, and decided to search the internets for reviews. Heh... 'pretty lackluster' you say... it takes different strokes to move the world. Yes it does. Different strokes to move the world.
Unknown said…
The immunity challenge was fun just for the rout, but otherwise, the episode really was one big "meh" from me.
David said…
This was the first link on google when I searched for a review of tonight's episode.

Having watched every episode of Survivor thus far (not that I'm proud of it), this episode stood out to me, for numerous reasons, as the most entertaining in the history of the show. So, I was curious if others felt the same way, and decided to search the internets for reviews. Heh... 'pretty lackluster' you say... it takes different strokes to move the world. Yes it does. Different strokes to move the world.

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