Mike's Music Review - Me In Motion's self-titled debut album

While I may not get preview releases of new Starfield albums (not that I'm bitter) the good folks at Centricity were kind enough to hook me up with an advance listen of the new self-titled debut album from Me In Motion.

The verdict: Color me impressed. These guys are good.

Some quick thoughts, song by song:

1) Losers: The lead single is a quirky little pop song about, well, the losers in life - the geeks, the nerds, the outcasts, "all of us losers" - and how Jesus loves them, too. A song that will resonate with a lot of kids of junior and senior high, concluding, "Jesus has a thing for losers." Good stuff. Check out the video here.

2) The God I Know: An upbeat, driving rocker about living more like "the God I know" and not letting fear and complacency rule our lives. Also good stuff. We're 2 for 2 so far.

3) Gotta Be Something: I love the start of this song - a crunchy guitar riff that sounds like it's straight out of a "Spirit In The Sky" cover band tribute or something. This might be my favorite track on the record. A great "driving in the summer with the window down blaring this song" kind of song. 3 for 3.

4) Seek Justice Love Mercy: The first power ballad of the album, which is about closing our eyes to the suffering of the world. Melodically, it's a song that sounds prettier than the tough lyrics would indicate. But I'll give it a thumbs up, so we're 4 for 4 and we're off to a great start.

5) Leaving Here Someday: This song absolutely took me by surprise when I first heard it because it sounds like a Weird Al Yankovic original song. Seriously. All through the album, I thought that lead vocalist Seth Mosley sounds a lot like Weird Al, but this song has the same musical style of Weird Al's non-parody songs. As a result, this is a miss for me mainly because as much as I love Weird Al, having what sounds like a Weird Al Christian rock song is just too weird for me. 4 for 5.

6) You Never Fail Me: A by-the-numbers pop-rock song that could have been done by a thousand college rock bands. 4 for 6.

7) Back To You: A power ballad that sounds like it's straight out of the 1980s, complete with all of the lyrical cliches that accompany such power ballads in the Christian music genre. Fortunately for Me In Motion, I like 1980s cliche-ridden power ballads, so this gets a thumbs up. 5 for 7.

8) Welcome to Your Life: This sounds like it's from Hawk Nelson (that's a compliment, by the way). "Say goodbye to the lies and the shadows, let it go, and say hello to the new you stepping out for the very first time, welcome to your life." I hope this song is under consideration as a radio single, as it will do very well with the hooky chorus. 6 for 8.

9) Here In The Middle: Some fun piano in this doesn't rescue what's otherwise one of the weaker songs on the album. 6 for 9.

10) You Move Me: And the album concludes with a fairly pedestrian acoustic guitar driven slower song. 6 for 10.

I have to admit, I'm pleasantly surprised. I've heard albums by many established bands that don't come out with such a high batting percentage in terms of songs I like. These guys have a lot of potential!

Me In Motion's self-titled debut album drops March 23.


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