Survivor Heroes vs. Villains - Episode 12

It was double go-home week tonight. Candice was the first one voted out, which was unsurprising, given what happened last week with her basically burning her candle from both ends.

And then the game got really weird. What should have been a straightforward vote for Rupert in the second Tribal Council turned into Russell trying to split up Pavarti and Danielle. The clumsiness with which he did it almost backfired, but Danielle's emotional breakdown at Tribal Council likely sealed her fate, and she was voted out, much to the dismay of Pavarti.

Next week: Hey, here's a new plotline we've never seen before - Russell's on the outs and may go home!


survivormuch said…
I totally agree. Who would thought Candice will go after she betrayed Amanda? and it's surprising too to see Danielle out when she seems to be safe with Parvati and Russell. Oh well, next week hopefully we will see a Parvati-Sandra tandem against Russell....

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