Survivor Redemption Island Episode 8 Recap

Amazingly, Matt won again and he's back in the game. The dude is unreal.
Curiously, the Redemption Island concept continues with the merged tribe. Which means Matt could be right back there. Wacky.
Matt and his cute chick Andrea, plotted to overthrow their tribe and get rid of Rob.
The individual immunity challenge involved balancing balls on a disc while balancing on a log. Natalie (who may be making her first appearance in these recaps) won the first individual immunity.
After the challenge, Matt changed his mind about flipping and decided to stay with his original tribe. And then he told Rob what he and Andrea were planning and basically threw Andrea under the bus, which she didn't appreciate. And Rob decided he needed to vote Matt out again.
At Tribal Council, Phillip went on another crazy rant about ... something. He got wildly laughed at. The discussion largely turned around Matt being the key vote.
Ralph gave his hidden immunity idol to Mike, who played it. But the votes went 5 for Grant, 1 for Steve and 6 for Matt. So Matt is voted out again to Redemption Island, and one of the immunity idols was flushed out.
So Matt is now the first person to be voted out of the same Survivor game twice.
Next week: Phillip, still ... Oh, you know the drill.