The Amazing Race Unfinished Business Episode 9 Recap

The teams headed to Liechtenstein with the warning of a Double U-Turn this leg. The road block was biking the entire length of Liechtenstein and giving the correct distance of 22 km. It was harder than it looked as several teams couldn't read their maps. Zev and Justin started telling other teams the correct answer so they'd all build up a lead on the Cowboys.

The teams then headed to Switzerland, where they either had to deliver luggage or eat a lot of cheese fondue. Zev and Justin, fresh off their food disaster last time, decided to redeem themselves by eating fondue. They struggled and one of them vomited. It took them nearly an hour but they finished.

Zev and Justin finished first again.

Jet and Cord were the only U-Turned team. They finished last and were eliminated. And my favorite team is gone.

Next week: Mountain climbing.


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