Canadians really, really, really, really like their hockey. Really.

CANADA'S OLYMPIC BROADCAST MEDIA CONSORTIUM - OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES - ENGLISH | 2010 Gold Medal Game Is the Apex of TV Viewing in Canada as Legend of '72 Summit Series Finally Laid to Rest

TORONTO, March 12 /CNW/ - It's official. Just released final data from BBM Canada confirms that last month's Team Canada gold medal win is, without a doubt, the most-watched television broadcast in Canadian history, with a final audience of 16.7 million viewers. It was also confirmed today by Nielsen that, contrary to popular Canadian legend, the recent game delivered far more viewers than Game 8 of the classic Summit Series between Canada and U.S.S.R. on September 28, 1972, which had a reported television audience of 4.26 million viewers.


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