Exploring Edmonton’s new west end bike path

IMG00032I was driving down Anthony Henday a few weeks ago and noticed that a bike path had been paved up on the side of a hill along the east side of the highway. Having purchased a new bike this summer and intent on biking as much as I can these days, I set out to find the entrance to this new trail, which, as it turns out, is located in Cameron Heights, next to the entrance to the water treatment plant.

-Device Memory-home-user-pictures-IMG00033The bike path winds its way down the east side of Anthony Henday right to the (as far as I know) unnamed new bridge that crosses the North Saskatchewan River. Underneath the bridge is a pedestrian-bike mini-bridge that spans the river.

At the moment, you can cross the bridge, but there’s really nowhere to go on the south side because the city is still paving the path on the other side.

So I’m not really sure where it goes, but I’m looking forward to finding out.


Unknown said…
City Bike Transportation Report. Maps of future paths are at the end.


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