The Amazing Race Season 21 Episode 10 Spoiler Review

So we watched this on a time-shift channel tonight from Atlantic Canada, as our American time-shift HD channel was delayed due to football or something, and there was a promo off the top of tonight's show for the Amazing Race Canada. That will make a lot of people in my family happy. Namely, my kids.

Back at the American version of the show, the teams are off to Spain and then an overnight fairy to a Spanish island. The Twins depart before 3 a.m. and actually get a plane out to Spain before the next team even leaves at 6 a.m. Wow, no airport bunching!

The Chippendales caught up to the Twins at the ferry terminal. And since the ferry to the island isn't until the evening, we're going to get ferry terminal bunching instead. So everyone went to the beach and had a day off. And we got to watch it. Yippee.

So it's 15 minutes after the hour, and literally NOTHING has happened yet.

Teams had to find their clue amongst a bunch of fire-swinging devils. Think Orcs with fire. From there, teams had to drive themselves to tennis courts. The twins got lost and had problems driving stick shift.

The Roadblock was the successful return of 20 tennis balls in-bounds before their auto-ball-spitting-machine-thingy ran out of balls. Trey, who plays tennis, did very well. James struggled. Josh of the Goat Farmers team had been struggling with an ankle injury since the previous leg, so, of course, he did the tennis Roadblock, because let's make the injured guy run around on a tennis court. Although Josh still finished before the Twins did.

From there, teams were off to the Coves of Campanet where they had to find musicians playing in the caves. Chippendales and Trey and Lexi arrived at the same time and did it together.

The Detour was a choice between repairing a windmill or engage in fake bullfighting by being a bull. Trey and Lexi did the bull fighting and Lexi managed to cut her finger. She cried. I've had bigger paper cuts that bled more. The Chippendales did the windmill repair and it was pretty easy. Except when the twins did it, and then it was extremely difficult.

From the Detour, it was off to the Pit Stop.

Trey and Lexi were Team #1. Chippendales were second. The never-say-die Goat Farmers were third. The twins came in last. But they weren't eliminated. It was a non-elimination leg. AARRRGGHHH!!!! We were so close to getting rid of them!

Next week: The 2-hour season finale.


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