Casting Crowns at Break Forth 2011

It's concert weekend at our household, with Casting Crowns last night and then Downhere tonight.

This is my second time seeing Casting Crowns live, and I can't say enough good things about their live set (and live albums). I've said before that they're one of those groups that's just better live than on a record (digital bits, shurely). Last night they switched things up from the first time I saw them a few years ago by including an acoustic set designed mainly to showcase Melodee DeVevo's vocal talents. (Other female back-up/co-lead-singer Megan Garrett was absent, at home with a new baby.)

It was a terrific show that provided me with my first opportunity to do a social media concert video. I tried uploading this during the show last night but both the Wifi and 3G signals in the Shaw Conference Centre were pretty degraded, so it had to wait for the drive home. It finally finished uploading at 11 p.m. last night and by the time I got up this morning, had 15 views - which is amazing considering I never posted the link anywhere until I got up.


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